deseño web do sitio web de comercio electrónico básica e desenvolvemento – Parte 1


Benvido ao Taming the eo mundo dos negocios en liña!

esta 2 parte da serie asume que ten unha presenza básica na web e describe brevemente a preparar o seu sitio web para vendas en liña e transaccións de tarxeta de crédito. Os artigos ligados ao entón auxiliar vostede para tomar unha decisión máis instruída antes de implementar software de comercio electrónico e ferramentas de mercadotecnia.

O procesamento de vendas en liña mediante transaccións baseadas en tarxetas de crédito pode non ser tan sinxelo como podes pensar. Moitos propietarios de sitios web novos no comercio electrónico teñen a impresión de que só conectan un carro da compra ao seu sitio; pero un carro é só unha parte de todo o proceso de comercio electrónico.

“Non quero admitir pagos en liña”

No caso de que estivese a pensar en evitar transaccións en liña con tarxetas de crédito para vender o seu produto, Pensa outra vez. Os días de 'envíame un cheque ou giro postal’ xa pasaron. Na gran maioría dos casos, os clientes quererán o seu produto, e quero agora.

Mesmo se o produto ou servizo que está a ofrecer é totalmente único, perderás moitas vendas se non implementas algún tipo de procesamento de tarxeta de crédito en liña. Pero implementar un servizo de procesamento non significa necesariamente gastar grandes cartos por diante.

Preguntas sobre o carro da compra? Proba os nosos artigos, guías e recensións!

Software de cesta da compra

Máis información sobre carrinhos da compra ou lea as nosas reseñas sobre algúns dos mellor software de cesta de compras arredor!

Necesitas saber máis sobre contas de comerciante ou procesadores de pagos? Lea os nosos comentarios & guías


O sitio web

Ok, Estou seguro de que o coñeces! O sitio web actúa como a tenda para os produtos e servizos que desexa vender en liña. Os visitantes do teu sitio son, na súa maior parte, escaparates e navegadores. O obxectivo dun sitio web comercial é converter estes navegadores en compradores.

O sitio web debe estar deseñado para dirixir suavemente ao cliente no proceso de aprendizaxe e venda. O texto das súas vendas debe ser gramaticalmente correcto e escrito correctamente. A mala ortografía perde puntos de credibilidade de inmediato.

Asegúrese de que hai moito contido textual ben deseñado no sitio para atraer motores de busca e informar aos posibles clientes. Use texto enriquecido de palabras clave e frases clave; é dicir, use copia que inclúa frases comúns que a xente introduciría nos motores de busca cando realizase unha consulta. A copia que empregue non debería ser só informativa, ten que vender activamente ao visitante do sitio. Máis información sobre elaboración de copia de mercadotecnia e creando páxinas de destino efectivas.

Que termos de busca se usan habitualmente?

Unha ferramenta útil para comprender como as persoas están a buscar está dispoñible gratuitamente en Google. Con Google Insights para a busca, pode comparar os patróns de volume de busca entre rexións específicas, categorías, e marcos de tempo en palabras clave concretas, atopar os termos máis populares para un determinado tema ou sector da industria.

Atraer motores de busca e tráfico dirixido ao sitio é unha enorme curva de aprendizaxe en curso, e hai moitos outros artigos e ferramentas no noso sitio para axudarche con isto. Ver o noso recursos de mercadotecnia en buscadores ou o noso promoción xeral arquivos.

Compatibilidade entre navegadores cruzados

Internet Explorer non é o único navegador do mercado. Actualmente hai máis 100 diferentes marcas de navegador de Internet dispoñibles actualmente. O principal competidor de IE é Firefox e o que parece bo en Internet Explorer pode parecer terrible ou incluso fallar noutros navegadores! Asegúrese de que deseñou o seu sitio para que se poida ver polo menos:

Internet Explorer 5.0+
Firefox 1.0 +

Between these two browsers, you’ll have well over 90% of market covered. By paying attention to even simple things like browser compatibility issues, you will increase your sales.

The use of images

All images used should clearly depict the product/service and where possible, don’t use stock images that come with products such as Photoshop. Seasoned Internet surfers will recognize these as they appear on thousands of sites around the world. Use original photography or scanned images wherever you can, or make use of the many stock photo archives where you can purchase high quality images for as little as a couple of dollars each.

Ensure that you optimize your images for rapid download. Much of the world still does not utilize broadband, and no-one is going to wait around for 2 minutes to see a photo of ahappy customer” ou “successful businessperson who uses our product”. All popular graphics packages support compression for web based graphics, usually through easy to use wizards. Try your graphics software program’s help file and search foroptimization” ou “compression”.

Images are a wonderful medium to assist in the online sale of your products/services, especially useful to those clients with poor literacy levels or who are in a rush, as we all seem to be these days. But remember, while a picture may be worth a thousand words in the offline world, it’s worth next to nothing when it comes to search engines as spiders do not ‘seepictures.

Image HTML coding should also contain ‘alt’ etiquetas. This is a textual representation of the image which is useful for the situations where the image doesn’t load for some reason. Search engines spiders also latch on to this content, especially if the image is linked to another page. ‘alttext will also pop up when a visitor moves their mouse over the image. Here’s a sample of html code for an image which also contains ‘alttext:

<img border=”0″ src=”../images/iconarticle1.gifalt=Article sectionWeb development, eCommerce and site promotion tutorials and commentsfree for reproduction!” width=”50″ height=”50″>

Site Navigation.

Site navigation should be simple and all the questions a consumer may ask should be answered along the way. Where possible, adhere to thethree click rule” – é dicir, a visitor should be able to access any information regarding your product or service within 3 clicks of any other area of your web site. Pay close attention to cross-browser compatibility issues as many complex menu systems play havoc with browsers.

Recommended pages.

Along with the home page, your sales pages and the shopping cart, I recommend implementing the following web pages as part of your ecommerce site:

About Us Page.

TheAbout Uspage is crucial to boosting consumer confidence. It provides a summary of the business, your commitments and direction.

While we are all protective of our privacy, online business is no different to traditional business in that we all like to ‘put a face to the name’ – we need to reassure our site visitors. When purchasing goods online, I always go to the ‘About Usor company profile pages before parting with my money (especially after one bad experienceanother story for another time). The page should also provide other contact details for your business and your various registrations, associations and affiliations. View further information relating toabout usor company profile pages.

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Privacy policy.

What are you going to do with my information? – a question asked by many online shoppers. Putting together a privacy policy doesn’t necessarily require a legal team! Máis información sobre developing Privacy statements.

FAQ’s (Frequently asked questions)

No doubt you’ll be asked many questions about your product. Many of these questions will be repetitive. It’s these questions and answers that you’ll want to add to your FAQ page. This promotes customer confidence and saves your valuable time. A prospective client may be somewhat hesitant in asking questions and this hesitancy may translate into a lost sale. A well constructed FAQ will help coax these online customers into purchasing.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a basic FAQ system. Simply list the questions at the beginning of the FAQ in dot-point format, perhaps broken down into various categories to make searching easier. Each of these questions should be directly linked to the answer further down the page with the use of bookmarks. This basic design also allows for scalability.

You can link to the FAQ not only through the main menu system, but after everybuy metype statement. The FAQ should be accessible within one click of any other area of your web site that is dedicated to selling the product or service.

Testimonials page

A dollar value can not be placed upon positive client testimonials; this is some of the best promotional copy around. Elicit feedback from your current customers and ask their permission to publish their comments on your site.

Testimonials can be implemented on a page of their own, or interspersed between your own statements regarding the product. If you do implement a Testimonials page, ensure that it can be accessed with one click from any other page on the site.

Ideally the link or button should be placed on your web site navigational menu, preferable at the top.

If you don’t have any testimonials or referees, it may be worthwhile considering supplying a select group of people with the product free of charge for testing and feedback purposes. Learn more about usingtestimonials and reviews in marketing.

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Guide to accepting
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In our second part of this series, we’ll cover other pre-sales services worth considering as part of your online sales pitch. Also included is some introductory information about ordering processes and ecommerce components. View part 2 de deseño web do sitio web de comercio electrónico básica e desenvolvemento..

Related learning resources:

Payment Gateways, Internet Merchant Accounts and third party credit card processors

Shopping Cartshints and tips in choosing the right ecommerce solution for you

Over 130 ecommerce solutions reviewedthe results

Michael Bloch
Domar á besta
Titorías, contido web, ferramentas e software.
Marketing web, Desenvolvemento de Internet & Recursos de comercio electrónico

In the interests of transparency and disclosure, please note that the owner of Taming the often receives goods and services mentioned in reviews for free, or may receive payments or affiliate commissions for advertising or referring others to merchants of products and services reviewed.

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