22 Paġni importanti li jiġu inklużi fuq Your Website
Permezz Ivana Katz

Mintix liema paġni li jinkludi fuq il-websajt tiegħek u għaliex? Hawnhekk hawn lista ta 'informazzjoni importanti li għandhom jiġu inklużi fuq is-sit tiegħek.

Qabel ma tibda taħseb dwar dak li tikteb, huwa importanti li inti toħloq pjan, li tiddeskrivi x'se jkun fiha kull paġna. B'hekk ma tirrepetix lilek innifsek jew tinsa informazzjoni vitali. L-aktar paġni komuni fuq websajts ta 'suċċess jinkludu:

1. Home Page (L-Ewwel Paġna)

Dan huwa tiegħek “bejgħ” paġna u għandha tipprovdi informazzjoni dwar x’tista’ tagħmel għall-klijenti tiegħek. Għandu wkoll jagħti lill-viżitaturi tiegħek ħarsa ġenerali qasira ta 'dak li jistgħu jsibu fuq is-sit tiegħek.

2. Prodotti / Servizzi

Huwa utli li jkollok paġna separata għal kull prodott/servizz u tikteb kemm jista' jkun dettalji dwar kull wieħed. Ibda kull paġna b'sommarju qasir tal-prodott/servizz, imbagħad ipprovdi kwalunkwe informazzjoni li tista'. Jekk il-paġna tidher twila wisq, tista' dejjem tkisserha f'aktar paġni. Meta n-nies qed ifittxu informazzjoni fuq l-internet, iridu jkunu jafu ISSA. Ma jridux jistennew sa għada meta jkunu jistgħu jitkellmu miegħek fuq it-telefon. Aktar ma tista' tipprovdi informazzjoni dwar il-prodotti/servizzi tiegħek, l-aħjar.

3. Ikkuntatjana

Poġġi d-dettalji ta' kuntatt f'ħafna postijiet possibbli. Agħmilha faċli għall-klijenti tiegħek biex jikkuntattjawk. Oħloq speċjali “Ikkuntatjana” paġna, inkludi d-dettalji tiegħek fi “Fuqna” paġna u wkoll fil-qiegħ ta’ kull paġna. Informazzjoni li trid tinkludi: isem tan-negozju, indirizz fiżiku, indirizz postali, telefon, fax, email, numru ta' emerġenza, indirizz tal-websajt.

4. Ipprezzar

Kull meta jkun possibbli inkludi l-prezz tal-prodotti/servizzi tiegħek. Anke jekk ma tistax tkun speċifika. Huwa utli li tpoġġi mill-inqas firxa ta 'prezzijiet, eż. It-tindif tat-twapet ivarja bejn $40 – $60 għal kull kamra.

5. Testimonjanzi / Reviżjonijiet tal-Prodott / Qabel & Wara

Include testimonials from your current customer to show your potential clients that you are trustworthy, reliable and that you offer great service and/or products. Make sure the testimonials are real and if possible provide contact details of the person who supplied you with the testimonial. If you don’t have any right now, get them! Simply email your customers and ask for their feedback on your business and service. Most happy customers will gladly provide this.

You could also include before and after photos. Show the problem picture and beside it show the picture of resolution, with an explanation of your product’s benefits.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

This has proven to be a great time saver for many companies. Instead of having to answer the same questions over and over again, poġġihom fuq il-websajt tiegħek u kompli żżid magħhom. Aktar ma jkollok informazzjoni fuq il-websajt tiegħek, inqas ħin ikollok bżonn tqatta’ twieġeb mistoqsijiet bl-email jew bit-telefon.

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti għandhom jindirizzaw it-tħassib tal-klijent tiegħek li inkella jista' jkun ta' ostaklu biex isir bejgħ.

7. Formola ta’ tweġiba bħal “Abbona” jew “Inkjesta” forma

Ta’ ħtieġa assoluta jekk trid tibni mailing list. Ħafna nies ma jħobbux jagħtu wisq informazzjoni, hekk staqsi biss l-affarijiet bażiċi, bħal Isem u Indirizz Email. Imbagħad żomm kuntatt mal-klijenti tiegħek fuq bażi regolari billi tibgħat informazzjoni li tista 'tkun ta' interess għalihom. Inti tista 'saħansitra tixtieq tiżviluppa rivista tiegħek online stess (ezine). Hemm ħafna programmi meraviljużi b'xejn jew rħas li jistgħu jimmaniġġjaw dan għalik. We will discuss these in more detail in future articles.

8. On-line Magazine or Newsletter

This is a great marketing tool. Not only does it help you keep in touch with your customers, but provides your website with fresh content. You can set up your Ezine in 2 different ways:

1. Email subscribers on a regular basis or 2. Publish it on your website. Or both. Include information about your business, industry or anything that may be of interest to your customers.

9. Resources/Articles

Add value to your business. Provide information that is complementary to what you do. Pereżempju, if you sell wedding dresses include information about reception venues, wedding planners, wedding cakes, fjuri. By adding extra information you encourage more hits.

10. Fuqna

This is a very important page as it tells your customer about who you are and why they should buy your products, services and/or trust your organization. It can also feature your business hours (if you have a bricks and mortar store) or when they can speak to someone live. Many companies also include their mission or purpose on this page, details of their staff (photos, biographies, qualifications), recently completed projects. Other information to include: ACN or ABN, logo, directions to your store/office.

11. Guarantee

Offer a money back guarantee. The longer the guarantee, the more effective it will be. It could be 30 days, 60 days, 1 year or lifetime.

12. Survey

Find out what customers think about your website, business or product.

13. Events Calendar

This can relate to your business or industry. If you are an artist, you can feature dates where and when your art will be displayed or if you are a singer, where you will be performing.

14. Search My Website Feature

Some visitors to your side may not know exactly what they want but if you include a search function on your site, they can look for it very easily. Like search engines, this feature will allow your visitors to type in a word or phrase and then search for it on your site. It’s like having your own mini search engines, only instead of it searching the world wide web, it just searches your website.

15. Return/Refund Policy

To make your customers feel more comfortable when making a transaction at your website, you should provide then with your return/refund policy. Ensure it is easy to understand and spelt out step by step.

16. Regoli tal-privatezza

Privacy continues to be a major issue for customers shopping online. Concerns about how their information is going to be used is a major barrier when making a sale. Internet shopping experience is built on trust and privacy is the number one ingredient in trust.

17. Mappa tas-Sit

A site map is similar to a contents. It shows visitors how the site is laid out and which sections are where.

18. Copyright Information

Your website should carry a copyright notice to protect its intellectual property. It is generally in the form of “Copyright

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