Cas cov tub txawj tub ntse yuav txo Credit Card kev dag
Los ntawm Ricky Bracken

Yog hais tias koj muaj lag luam Retail twg los yog ecommerce, ntseeg tag nrho cov credit card loj thiab hauv cov tshev mis yog ib txoj kev cai ntawm neeg them. tiam sis, Thaum twg koj xav yuav nyiaj hauv, tus tswv tsev ua hauj lwm yuav tsum kuj xav txog tej nqi uas qhia tsis tseeb. Kev tshawb fawb tau muaj ob yam tshuaj thiab nyob hauv internet tub txawj tub ntse muaj coob billions hauv kev dag muas. Hnub no, tshuab muab pov thawj txoj kev paub thiab kev tiv thaiv kev dag muas.

Kev dag tau tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau hom. Needless kom say dag lawm thiab qhov tsis zoo rau lub lag luam. Yog hais tias koj txheej txheem ib dag cov neeg txiav txim los ntawm lub sijhawm koj pom tawm qhov credit card raug nyiag koj muaj twb shipped qhov khoom. Dag kom feem ntau raug rau cov neeg tuaj noj credit card chargeback rau koj tus lag luam. Hmoov tsis, Yog tias lub sij hawm, koj muaj tauj thiab poob rau koj yam khoom, koj muaj coob cov nyiaj tau los ntawm qhov muag thiab top tag nrho tawm; koj yuav tau txais ib tus nqi chargeback los ntawm koj daim credit card processor. Kuv pom meej tiag peb txiav txim yog ib qho yuav tsum tau thiab tsis txhob muab ib tug txiav txim kev dag ua ntej koj xa koj cov khoom. Qhov zoo ces kom cov neeg ua lag luam, cov muaj ntau kauj ruam thiab cov dab uas yuav muab los siv kom txo thiab tshem tawm kev dag credit card.


1. Cov kev pab cuam pov thawj chaw nyob (AVS) – yog ib qhov yooj yim thiab yooj yim kom muaj kev taug txoj cai yuav txo tau kev ntseeg ib daim credit card raug nyiag lawm. Thaum twg koj txheej txheem ib daim credit card lw; xyuas kom tseeb tias koj ntes cov daim yas dhos lub tsib nqi chaw nyob thiab zip code. Kev ceev tsis-los so (Internet thiab MOTO) muas yuav yuam kom koj mus ntes tau cov ntaub ntawv nrog daim card. tiam sis, daim ntawv tam sim no (los so) muas tsis yuav. Ib zaug koj ntes cov daim yas dhos lub tsib nqi chaw nyob thiab zip code koj nyob nraum npaj ntaub ntawv qhov muag. Koj txoj kev muag khoom uas yuav muaj tseeb AVS nrog daim card muab cov sij hawm thaum. Koj yuav tau txais ib txoj match xwb, tus zip code match xwb los yog ib tug match txoj thiab zip code. Yog hais tias koj tsis tau txais ib qho AVS match koj yuav tau muab tsawg tus lw. Kwv yees li 80% kev dag muas nyob hauv U.S. yog AVS mismatches. Nco ntsoov, yuav tsum configured AVS cov tshuab li yuav tsum xyuas seb koj tej chaw AVS. Siv lub tswv yim AVS yuav muaj ib feem loj tsis txhob dag lawm thiab credit card.

2. Daim ntawv pov thawj (CVV/CVV2) – yog zoo li AVS. CVV yog tus 3 ntiv chaws nyob sab nraum ntawm ib daim credit card (4 xaus rau American qhia). Ib yam li AVS, CVV yog nkag at the point of muag. Daim ntawv nrog lub CVV chaws mus xyuas ntawm daim card muab cov sij hawm thaum thaum cov credit card muag tau tiav. Yog hais tias koj tsis tau txais ib cov match CVV koj yuav tau muab tsawg tus lw. Tub txawj tub ntse hauv Internet yuav tsum kom CVV yuav tsum tau teb.

3. Siv qhov tswj Harbor – Harbor tswj rau cov neeg ua lag luam rau koj muab tsis tau rau lawv yuav txais lub muas. Piv txwv, muas yuav tau tso ntshav kuaj raws li tus nqi nyiaj them ib lw, cov nqi muas, lw zaus, neeg nruab nrab daim pib, thiab lwm yam. Muas yog tus ntawv li ib tej mojkabsim uas tsis tseeb lw yuav xav tau ntxiv saib xyuas los ntawm cov neeg ua lag luam. Harbor cuam no feem ntau yog muaj ib qhov kev pab add-on.

4. Scrutinize txiav txim los ntawm nyiaj dawb tug – Fraudsters thiab cov tub sab xav mus nkaum. Yog ib yam uas yooj yim zais hais tias tub sab yog siv ib tug dawb nyiaj. Muas tseem dag siv ib tug dawb pab. Tub txawj tub ntse yuav tsis tsis tas muas los ntawm ib tug dawb service. tiam sis, koj yuav tau muab cov kev txiav txim dua scrutiny.

5. Scrutinize txiav txim uas lub nkoj mus nyob dua daim nqi mus rau qhov chaw nyob txawv – Tus tub sab. nrog daim credit card raug nyiag lawm yuav raug nqi rau them qhov chaw nyob thiab zip code tus tswv. Yog li, koj yuav tau txais ib qho AVS thiab CVV match rau lawv txiav txim. tiam sis, thiaj li yuav tau txais koj cov khoom uas lawv yuav tau hais qhov kev txiav txim yuav tsum shipped rau ib qhov chaw nyob txawv. Tub txawj tub ntse yuav tsum xyuas cov kev txiav txim nrog ib lub nkoj nws nqis mus thiab nqi mus rau qhov chaw nyob. Yog lub nkoj mus rau qhov chaw nyob txawv teb chaws teb chaws fa ntau heev tshaj dua qhov kev txiav txim.

6. Scrutinize tseev tsim ntiaj teb kiv / Txawv teb chaws Credit card – Yog hais tias koj cov qauv ua lag luam yuav tsum tau nkoj mus rau pej kum teb koj yuav tsum nrhiav ib tug account merchant thoob ntiaj teb. Vim cov kev txiav txim kom muaj ib tug ntau npaum li cas qhia tsis tseeb dua kev txiav txim, muaj ib tug account merchant tseev tsim ntiaj teb yuav muab koj ib qib dua kev pab tiv thaiv. Ntxiv rau, ib tug account merchant tseev tsim ntiaj teb yuav pub koj khom hauv lub zos txiaj. Yog tias koj xav tau ib tug nam thiab tseev tsim ntiaj teb merchant nyiaj koj yuav tsum tau siv ib lub rooj vag nyiaj nrog ntsuas load. Load ntsuas qhia cov neeg ua lag luam nrog txoj kev peev xwm siv nyiaj ntau merchant ib tus account them ib rooj vag.

7. To taub tias kev tso cai txhais tsis tau credit card yog tsis nyiag – Kev tso cai los pab thaum koj tau tso cai rau tham lawm. tiam sis, muaj ntawv tso cai tsuas txhais tau tias yog cov credit card siv thiab muaj cov muaj daim credit rau txheej txheem txoj lw. Thaum kawg, raws li tus tswv tsev ua lag ua luam, ntawm koj txiav txim txais los tsis txais txoj lw.

8. Siv tus xub qhia tsis tseeb kev tiv thaiv pab – Lawm tiv thaiv kev dag kev pab cuam cia cov neeg ua lag luam mus thaiv muas los ntawm qhov chaw nyob tus IP, Lub teb chaws tuaj thiab lwm yam kev dag lim. Kev pab tiv thaiv kev dag tshaj yog feem ntau yog muaj ib qhov kev pab add-on.

9. Siv PCI raws cov ntaub ntawv cia qhov – Tub txawj tub ntse uas muaj ib tug yuav tsum tau khaws cov ntaub ntawv credit card xim yuav tsum siv PCI raws cov ntaub ntawv cia qhov. PCI raws cov ntaub ntawv cia qhov pub rau cov tub txawj tub ntse yuav kis tau thiab muab khaws cia rau tus neeg muas zaub them nyiaj ntxiv rau ib theem 1 PCI tu tej ntaub ntawv tau ntawv pov thawj. Thaum cov ntaub ntawv neeg tsawg securely kis thiab muab tus neeg ua lag luam tau ces pib muas remotely tsis saib daim credit card los yog kos rau hauv cov lus qhia ncaj qha. Txoj kev no yog accomplished tsis muaj cov neeg ua lag luam storing xim cov ntaub ntawv hauv lawv lub zos database los yog daim ntawv them nqi.

10. Soj ntsuam thiab siv cov PCI (Nyiaj daim kev lag luam qauv) Txoj cai – Tub txawj tub ntse yuav saib PCI qauv hauv internet ntawm Yog koj nyob nraum siv ib txoj PCI raws cov kua muag thiab koj tsis khaws cov ntaub ntawv them koj nyob nraum twb zoo zoo lawm. tiam sis, tub txawj tub ntse yuav tsum hu rau lawv tus account merchant chaw ntxiv.

Kev tiv thaiv kev dag yog ib yam tsim nyog rau cov tub txawj tub ntse tsoos thiab nyob hauv internet. Raug lead lom koj lub lag luam muas kev dag thiab cim npaws chargeback yog tsis zoo rau lub lag luam thiab yuav ua rau koj tsis tau koj tus account merchant. Kev pab rooj vag rau real-time them muab siab heev tsis raug cai tiv thaiv cov cuab yeej. tiam sis, ntau yam kev dag txog kev tiv thaiv caag yuav muab los siv thaum tsis muaj cov nqi ntxiv.

Sab saum toj Real-time them Gateway Services

1. Planetauthorize (Kev teb chaws USA thiab International)

2. Authorize.Net (Kev teb chaws USA)

3. PlugnPay (Kev teb chaws USA)

4. Skipjack (Kev teb chaws USA)

5. eProcessing Network (Kev teb chaws USA)

Ricky Bracken yog President & Kev pab cov neeg ua lag luam SaleManager CEO. SaleManager muab enterprise hoob dlaws nyiaj lag luam me thiab mid-qib.

Tsab xov xwm tau qhov twg los: = Ricky_Bracken = 5141319

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